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NICE CXone & Connectivity with Multi-Locations

For many of you in Operations or IT, you have the unique challenge of managing disparate contact centers or business locations that you likely inherited through acquisitions or the locations already existed when you joined the firm. Looking at each location with its different PBX or key system, channel bank or other premise equipment with differing reports...

The OC192 and Your Contact Center

OC192 is an optical carrier (OC) that can handle 192 DS3s. A DS3 is a 45 Mb/s signal that can carry internet data or it can carry 28 T1s, voice or data, and 28 T1s is equal to 672 phone calls. In other words, an OC192 is a fiber optic system that can carry 192 DS3’s, which is...

On-Premise vs. SaaS Which is Right for You

This is one of the more interesting questions asked of me, SaaS or on-premise, which is better? This is one of those classic consultant questions with a classic consultant answer..."it depends." Every business is unique and there are several factors to consider when trying to decide "which is better" for you. But there...

What's an Erlang and How Can it Help You

Agner Krarup Erlang, was a mathematician. Need I say more? He derived a series of formulas to determine how many telephone operators would be required to process a given volume of calls. And although this was done in the early 1900's his formulas still apply and can be applied to call centers today....

SAP Goes on Offensive with SaaS

SAP is a skeptic. "SaaS offerings don't measure up in weaving together complex business processes that have to be managed and analyzed in real time, and SaaS vendors will have a tough time living up to customer's expectations. You're now seeing software as a service pure plays being driven into complex conversations that they're lousy at." They...

New Connectivity Blog

My name is Mike Perry, I am employed by NICE CXone as their VP or Network Planning and Telecom Products. In a nutshell, I am in charge of Capacity Planning/Management for all production systems, networks and application platforms that make up NICE's core products including the Telecom Network, IP Network, NICE CXone Clusters, Echo, WFM, and eLearning/eHiring....

What is Cloud Computing

Over the past few weeks I have been asked to provide some commentary on what cloud computing is and how SaaS plays a role in cloud computing. Well, let me take a few minutes and offer some thoughts on this topic For a definition, lets start here: Cloud computing is the combination of hardware and network infrastructure...

NICE named a worldwide Leader in 2024 IDC MarketScape CCaaS report

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